Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Week 31 Check In!

Now that you all know the background, I'll be doing a once weekly check in until Miles is born. All I can say at this point is things are looking great!!! Miles' Chiari and hindbrain herniation are reversing, his ventricles look stable, and we have seen him move his hips, knees, ankles, and even his toes on ultrasound! This momma couldn't be any more proud of her little man!!!

All of his doctors are VERY pleased with his progress, and CHOP has become like a second home to us. I cannot say enough wonderful things about the staff of this hospital. Everyone from the doctors to the cafeteria workers treat us with absolute kindness and caring.

We are hoping and praying to make it to our planned c-section! In the meantime, I'm still on modified bed rest. This means that I have to spend most of my time in bed, and when I do go out I have to use a wheelchair to get around. My one reprieve is our weekly hospital visit where I'm allowed to waddle around sans chair. But all things considered everything is going about as well as can possibly be expected.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and positive vibes. Adam, our family, and I truly appreciate  each and every one of them.  I guess the only thing left to do is the mandatory bump shot. I'll have you all know I made my mother take no less than a dozen pictures until I found one that didn't make me completely cringe! Being camera shy and 31 weeks pregnant is NOT a good combination. Don't mind the closet's been stuck like that since before we moved into the apartment.

Hopefully we will have more great news to share after next week's appointment. 32 weeks is another huge milestone that we are very excited to reach! 


  1. You look great!! Keep up the good work!!! Everything is fine here...they are still looking for a sub that can prepare those students for the Lit Keystone...they have big shoes to fill!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Joe! When you do hire a sub, tell them to feel free to contact me with any questions. I have quite a bit of free time on my hands and would be happy to help them out!

  2. Yay! Keep up the pictures and the blog, Liz! Thinking about you and Miles :)

  3. Ok...I know they are interviewing again today so we shall see. Take care.
