Monday, December 30, 2013

One Last Blog for 2013

I'd like to start off by saying a sincere THANK YOU to everyone who has checked in, said a prayer, made a call, or sent a card since Miles was born. You have no idea how much it is appreciated. I know it's been a very long while since I've blogged, but I wanted to give one last update on my sweet boy for those not on Facebook. After this one, I'm hanging up my blogging least where our little miracle is concerned. The pregnancy, surgery, and delivery were part of my journey. But from here on out the story is his to tell. I do feel the need to tell anyone who has been concerned with his health how fantastically he is doing. He has great range of motion and function; it's looking like Adam and I may be very busy chasing him around the house sooner than later! He is a smart little guy who babbles continually (wonder where he ever got that from), loves to play, and is content no matter what the circumstance. We could all actually really learn a lot from this little four month old. I know I sure have!

You see, 2013 was the absolute best year of my life...but it was also scattered with some of the lowest points I've  ever faced; I'm sure Adam would tell you the same. But once Miles got here none of that mattered. Our brave little man not only taught me how to love more deeply, he also taught me to be stronger than I ever thought I could be. He is so resilient and brave. I never ever thought an infant could be anyone's role model. Yet as I sit here and type I am looking down at my hero sleeping soundly on his boppy with his favorite toy in one hand and his pacifier in the other. 

Miles has taught me more life lessons in four months than I've learned in thirty-one years! The most important of which is to STOP worrying (so much anyway). Anyone who knows me well knows that I was a worrier to the point that it was downright annoying at times. I worried the whole time I was pregnant right up to the anatomy scan. In the end, my worrying changed NOTHING. All I did was waste the time during my pregnancy when I could have been out and about enjoying the fact that I had a beautiful baby on the way. I learned my lesson, though! I've never been so content or relaxed in my life. Worrying didn't fend off Miles' diagnosis or help him in any way, shape, or form. So why bother doing it? We now enjoy each day and TRY not to worry about things we can't control. It's not always easy, but life is so much better this way.

This sweet boy also taught me to QUIT feeling sorry for myself/complaining about things I can't control.  I used to let ridiculous things like the weather, a hole in a favorite pair of pants, a rude comment,or even a burnt dinner get me down and out. Now Milesy and I are living for each wonderful moment. He is one of the most cheerful and good natured babies I've ever seen...even when he is in his harness for a dislocated hip or having medical testing done. NOTHING gets in the way of this kid having the time of his life (except maybe an empty tummy or a poopy diaper)! He doesn't know that it isn't fair that he has to do things that other babies don't. And he doesn't CARE about it. He appreciates what he can do and what he has! We should all be so grateful for what we've been given and stop complaining about little things. There are many out there who are facing much tougher battles.

Tougher battles bring me to the last thing that 2013 and having my sweet boy have taught me. Attempt to be kind to others ALWAYS. You never know what challenges someone else is facing. I've seen things in some of the Children's hospitals we've been in and out of that have literally brought tears to my eyes. We've held elevator doors for mothers yelling into cell phones and let fathers who have been downright rude push in front of us in cafeteria lines. And yet we've met each one with a smile. You cannot look at someone else and assume that you knows what "type" of person they are. We are all fighting our personal battles. Some of us are just better at handling them than others! And the proud mommy in me has to say that Mr.Miles is a true soldier. I hope his attitude and demeanor stick so that he will someday handle his own battles appropriately and not be the pushy guy in the cafeteria. I also hope that he will continue to greet even the most moody individual with his million kilowatt smile.

I know that this is the time of year that everyone sets their New Year's Resolution. I've avoided them in the past because I've never stuck to them. But this year I think mine may just stick. I'm going to try to remember the lessons my sweet boy has taught me throughout the year 2014 and the years to come. If you haven't set a goal for 2014 yet, I encourage you to do the same. Life really is much better this way! I hope you all have a very happy new year, and God Bless!